for Kids Ministry

- excellent site for kids ministry ideas presented by Susan Wright
- use the MENU (Lesson Ideas) to choose the NEW IDEAS tab (you’ll love them!)
- heaps of short videos on YouTube

- excellent free resources to download (songs, videos, activities, etc)
- Aussie site but suitable for international

- 100 of our most popular FREE Children’s Ministry resources.
- Heaps of other resources that can be purchased.

- Ideas, resources, training, etc. Some are free, others can be accessed if you sign up.
- Karl Bastian is an enthusiastic children’s pastor from USA with loads of ideas.
- Kidsmin talks are worth watching

- events, articles, plus heaps more
- Ryan Frank constantly pumps out new material.
- He has 1,000’s followers for his excellent training, events and resources
- Well worth signing up to receive his emails, etc.

- The Salvation Army produces a kid friendly magazine regularly.
- Kids and families will love the stories, puzzles, crafts, recipes and competitions in the magazine, as well as the extra activities, online resources, cool characters and online games.

YouVersion Bible App and Bible App for Kids
Life.Church Open Network offers a huge range of kids ministry resources available FREE to use including an entire curriculum for 2-6 year olds based on the Bible app for kids complete with worksheets, discussion idea and much more.

This Free iPad & iPhone Bible app, Free Android Bible app, and Free Kindle Bible app for kids is a media-rich experience that helps bring the Bible to life with videos and images from the Emmy nominated SUPERBOOK animation series as well as engaging interactive games.
If you have come across other children’s ministry ideas and resources that are excellent, then let the CMN(WA) webmaster know and we’ll check it out.
Rob Adams